Reasons why SEO is important for Business Performance and how to get started with SEO for your business

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimisation.It is the process of improving business site to increase its visibility when people search for products or services related to your business in search engine such as Google.When your business page has better visibility in search results ,the more likely you are to increase attention and attract new and existing customers to your business site.

Let’s have a look on SEO introduction video by Google

Importance of SEO

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Some important statistics of SEO

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Google accounts for more than 79% desktop search traffic followed by Bing at 7.27%,Baidu 6.55% and yahoo 5.06%

   Source: Most Popular Search Engines

Marketers believe SEO is one of the most effective way to increase awareness and traffic and grow online

Longtail keyword search enjoys higher CTR in organic search results than organic search titles with only 1 or 2 words.

This SEO statistics highlights the importance of displaying as much information about a company available online for potential customers. Make it easy for the target market to know more information about your company and story on the website

How to get started with SEO for your business?

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Here is a course link,created by Google for search engine optimisation if you would like to improve your knowledge on SEO or for your employees.

Search Engine Optimisation Google Course

Will you consider SEO in your digital marketing plan??Let me know below why or why not?

6 thoughts on “Reasons why SEO is important for Business Performance and how to get started with SEO for your business”

  1. Hello there! I am very amazed by such a comprehensive post on all things SEO. This post is definitely above and beyond!

    However, I do have a suggestion, which is to try to keep your post as short and sweet as possible. This prevents readers from boring out and losing attention midway reading the post. Integration of pictures could also have elevated the joy of reading your post. After all, this is a blog; you will not want readers to feel like they are reading an academic journal! šŸ˜€

    All in all, this is an extremely insightful and comprehensive post on SEO, so keep up the awesome work, and I look forward to your next posts!


    1. Hi there,
      Thank you for taking the time to read my post.Sure I will try to improve and summarise my points to be more concise. However,I hope the points I wrote and the resources I have provided such as the videos and links for to learn SEO better will be useful for you when you are doing your digital marketing proposal.
      Do look out for my upcoming blog posts šŸ™‚


  2. Hey there, a lovely blog you have written and I have gained some knowledge about SEO and how it can effectively play a vital part in businesses. I think you can give some relevant real-life examples and explain how SEO integrates into it.
    Just a thought, do you think SEM is needed for major firms? Overall nice blog!


    1. Hi there,
      Thank You so much for taking the time to read my blog post. I am so glad u got more knowledge and got to understand SEO better .I will surely try to incorporate more examples in my upcoming post.

      With regards to your question, I do not think SEM is a need for major firms, but more of if major firms want to enjoy higher ROI or save money and spend in other forms of marketing. However,it will be definitely useful when they write the right types of topics improve their SEO and attract more traffic to website. It will be an additional bonus, if they use SEM to boost the post so that they could get the best traffic drive to their website and turn more leads into customers as well.
      Hope this helps šŸ™‚


  3. Hi Adeline! Really great and informative knowledge you have shared in your blog post as it provides a comprehensive understanding of what SEO is about and how it works. Good use of videos to explain your points as it provides readers like me a better visualization of the benefits of SEO .

    I totally agree with you that SEO provides a competitive edge and advantage for businesses especially new startups that have just been introduced. By using the proper keywords, keywords that relate to the brand’s products and services or the industry in which its part of, can help their brand’s website appear at the top and first page of search engine results to users.

    I would recommend making your blog post more concised and would love to see examples of how brands adopt SEO and implement it into their business strategies. What do you think are some of the drawbacks of SEO?

    Overall awesome blog post!


    1. Hi Natasha.Thank you so much for the feedback,I am really glad you found my blog post useful.Yes SEO can be beneficial for new business for business growth too.I believe some drawbacks with be that SEO takes much time and research.A brand cannot expect to be the top of the page within one day,sure it is possible but it is unlikely.Hence,brands must be patient while adopting SEO strategy.It is always about experimenting with keywords and doing a good keyword research to have better rankings in search results.The return on in investment by adopting the SEO strategy may not be quick either,although people might browse brand page.They will take some time to check out which affects the duration of return on investment too.Hope this helps.


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